Its sooo easy!
Here is an easy and simple way of using just what you have and still have a healthy meal for your kids. The basics like Rice, Noodles or Potatoes are usually in every household, combined with milk, tomato-sauce and some veggie and whatever you find in your fridge… *tataaa* here we have a proper dish.
I am only going shopping again tomorrow so I tell you what I did today for us. I even have enough for my boy alone for the next 3 days and some little pots leftover for the freezer to be eaten another day.
½ onion cut very fine and fry in
1 Spoon Rapeseed oil add then
2 slices bacon which you slice up very finely - bear in mind that depending on age your Toddler has not yet all his teeth and still swallows some bits wholly.
I checked our garden and found already:
3 medium sized carrots adding to the pot that fries on a low temperature
1 big potatoes chop in little cubes and add also
1 little zucchini/courgette which I will add a bit later because it will soften too much.
1 cup Rice Add to the mix in the pot with
2 cups Water (rule of thumb = 1 cup rice / 2 cups liquids)
Also I added 1 tomato (incl. skin + seeds) which is more for the consistency of the dish because it will fall apart anyway.
I cut a green pepper in fine slices and added them too.
I had also a bit of creamy soft cheese left with herbs + garlic. Again, this will dissolve in the sauce and will be absorbed by the rice and most of all adds more flavour to our little Higgledy-Piggledy Pot.
Now if you like you can add any herbs you might have. Either from your cupboard or maybe you grow them fresh in your garden or on your balcony. I added a bit of fresh Thyme and only a minute bit of Salt. Just ½ a teaspoon. Bear in mind that your Toddler does not need much salt. And having bacon in the dish is already a quite salty ingredient.
Until the Rice is soft it usually takes 20 Minutes on a lower setting. Don’t use too much temperature or the bottom will burn to the base of the pot. If the consistency is too sticky, add more water or milk to make it creamier for your child. They tend not too like it too much if it is too dry.
Note: you can use Noodles instead of Rice, organic noodles or just potatoes. Have a look around what you have and use it.
So you see: cooking is not witchcraft or science.
Be experimental, have fun with it without using complicated cooking books from fancy chefs around the world. Its soo easy, the time you wait for your fast food to arrive – the meal is ready. And you have an economic way of using simply what you have for a healthy nutritious meal.
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